Ghana’s Financial Technology (FinTech) state of play 2022 Ghana’s Financial Technology (FinTech) is growing by leaps and bounds. The FinTech ecosystem in Ghana can be characterized as experiencing rapid transition from the “introduction to growth stage”. In the introduction stage there was a major lack of collaboration and interoperability was a far-off dream, with each FinTech working in a silo and jealously guarding its territory and trade secrets. The industry is now fully established with key institutional arrangements, capital flow, rising visibility as well as the entrepreneurship drive in place needed to sustain and grow this sector. The anchor of growth in the sector is placed squarely on the unmet demand for banking and financial services, the promise of solving financial inclusion challenges and achieving the goal of a cash-lite society in the short to medium term. Ghana’s FinTech industry is now contributing to the growth of Ghana’s economy with the potential of becomi...
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