Kwami Ahiabenu ll Before banking or financial systems, individuals provided either cash or an item to another individual within an arrangement that the borrower would return said cash or item to the lender with or without interest in the future. Peer to Peer lending occurs when a lender and borrower transact business without the role of any intermediary. P2P lending differs from traditional lending whereby a financial institution serves as an intermediary, mobilising capital from its client base and lending.The fast-paced fintech innovation has driven peer-to-peer lending. According to The Business Research Company, global P2P lending is valued at US$143.64billion in 2023. Peer-to-Peer lending is categorised into: Informal P2P lending — wherein an individual within a circle of friends or colleagues requests a loan, usually through face-to-face interaction or phone call. The transaction is usually undocumented and trust-based — on the network’s ability to influen...
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