KS/KM in a World Of Change - An Open KM4Dev Community Gathering, Brussels, October 6-8, 2009
We are in a time of significant global change. Climate change impacts agriculture, water, health and other development areas. Global financial crises affect the poor and everything they need. How can knowledge sharing and knowledge management help us address these complex and interrelated issues? Join us for three days of thinking and working together on these issues at the 2009 KM4Dev annual gathering. Over the three days, we will have both separate theme focused conversations and then we will weave them together to think about the role of KM/KS separately and collectively.
Pre-workshop - October 5
- Side meetings:
Evening plan: for those who arrive before 8pm, dinner reservations will be made at La Gioconda[1]
Day 1- October 6
- Introductory activity (participatory) and introduction to KM4Dev for newcomers
- Plenary - keynote about complexity, interrelatedness followed by a World Cafe conversation on the topic
- Lunch
- Theme huddles - identify key areas where KM/KS can have a positive impact in the work in the sectors, e.g.:
- Agriculture
- Water and Sanitation aka WASHuddle
- Climate Change
- Health/HIV-AIDs
- Gender
- Decentralization and local governance
- Education and Learning (aka "eduhuddle")
Afternoon Regroup (all participants):
- KS activity (e.g. River of Life)
- Short speaker/self-run video interviews of each other/inspiring selection of related YouTube videos and interesting websites
Day 2- October 7
- Welcome back, short interim report outs
- Back to thematic huddles
- Lunch
- Hands-on Social Media workshops - one goal is to start capturing report outs from huddles on some social media
- Interactive report outs
Day 3 - October 8
- Welcome back/activity
- What do we do with what we have surfaced - weaving and integration
- Lunch
- KM4Dev community meeting
- Farewell